

Breakout Sessions

Share your Expertise with the Currence Community 

  • 2 AMPLIFY passes
  • 6ft Table/Booth for entire conference
  • Logo displayed on AMPLIFY Partner Webpage
  • Half Page Workbook Advertisement
  • Logo displayed on Partner Signage at Event
  • Dedicated Email Communication to Attendees



Hosting Opportunities

Market to the Currence Community by Hosting the Welcome Reception or Breakfast

  • 2 AMPLIFY passes
  • 6ft Table/Booth for entire conference
  • Social Post to the Currence Community
  • Logo displayed on AMPLIFY Partner Webpage
  • Logo displayed on Partner Signage at Event
  • And More!

Partner Packages

Bulk Passes and Other Perks

Looking to buy multiple passes? Check out our Partner Packages.

  • Friends of Currence 
    • 2 AMPLIFY Passes
    • Other Package Perks
  • Community Builder
    • 5 AMPLIFY Passes
    • Other Package Perks
  • Amplified Opportunity
    • 10 AMPLIFY Passes
    • Other Package Perks